Human Resource Dept.
Understand the needs of Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry
Service Description
Human Resources Dept. are the core fundamental of every organization. The hospitality industry is all about providing the best customer experience. Understand what it takes to ensure your staff needs and training requirement are well taken care of with HR Training Program Program Outlines : 1.The Competency based profiles – Attitude, Knowledge and Skills. 2.Developing a typical Job profile. 3.How the use the competency-based job profile to determine the needs for a position. 4.How to recruit and how to interview. 5.Orientation – the importance and need for it. 6.Evaluating training needs in the work place and formulating training needs assessment. 7.How to measure performance based on competency levels established. 8.Communication – an opportunity to listen to “voice of the employee”. 9.Harassment in the workplace – sexual and bullying – counselling and coaching. Learning Outcomes : 1.Learn the need for job competency-based profiles for recruitment, interviewing and appraising candidates and employees; 2.Be able to develop Job competency-based profiles; 3.Understand and address disciplinary and grievance issues; 4.Be able to know the need and purpose for good orientation; 5.Be able to identify training needs and develop Training Needs Assessment; 6.Be able to prepare schedules for the department workforce where applicable; 7.Know how to monitor and measure performance; 8.Recognize harassment (sexual /Bullying) in the workplace and take appropriate steps to keep the workplace free of such harassment; and 9.Know the important of communication within the department and across different departments.